Creating a Work-Life Balance When Working from Home


        It is exciting to be away from the hassles and bustles of traffic, crowded paces, and four walls of the typical working environment. For many people, it is a great opportunity to work from home but it can be difficult to find a good work-life balance. However, what comes to the mind of many people when we think of work-life balance, we often conceive the thought of spending an equal amount of time on both sides but this is unrealistic in the literal sense. To know the hows; below are some tips to help you create a work-life balance when working from home.

  • Create a schedule- You should first understand that striking a balance is controlling both sides and not letting either suffer because, for better productivity, you cannot do without either. It is imperative for you to plan out your work day and adhere to it strictly. Make out time to take a stretch, order food or cook, sleep, and so on. Stick to your regular work hours and nothing more if not, you will burn out.
  • Get rid of distractions- Working from home makes you prone to be distracted by social media, calls, unnecessary meetings, Tv shows, and other factors. Get a to-do list and follow it through, calendar apps, and some project management software help. Do not dedicate your time to things that are not true priorities-if not you would not get much done within your working hours and it will result in you eating out of the time you ought to spend for other personal things. Discipline plays a vital role here.
  • Work in a designed workspace -Do not just work anywhere at home, create a spot where you have your working gadgets, materials, good ventilation, and some quiet. This will help you stay focused and productive.
  • Exercise-This cannot be overemphasized! Do not laze out of bed and jump into your office space with a coffee without taking at least thirty minutes of your day to exercise. According to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, it is highly essential to engage in physical activities as this is a vital part of your life. Exercising can save you from major illnesses. In as much you are taking good care of work, you should do the same to your body.
  • Set boundaries-you might be living with other people especially older ones. Make it clear enough to them that during your work hours, you are unavailable for errands or some form of chores or social activities.
  • Why work seven days a week?-This is just wrong on many levels as this is counterproductive. You would be prone to more fatigue hence sickness. The other areas of your life will suffer and you will eventually be more moody than happy.
  • Sleep- Do you know it is required of you to sleep at least seven hours in a day? Now you know. Many remote workers are sleep deprived because they have to meet up to a deadline. Anything that takes away your sleep regularly does not worth it. You cut short your life span by not getting enough sleep.
  • Socialise– Do not always go with the mindset that you have work to do and that every time spent with friends can be used to do “better” things. Chat with people that influence you positively, and go out and network with people that have similar careers as you or just have good vibes.
  • Set Reminders– You should be aware that studies show that humans forget about 50% of new information within an hour of acquiring some information, and within one hour that increases to 70%. You cannot retain so much information and this can naked you slow when you forget stuff. Reminders put you to check and you are not left with any outstanding tasks.


These tips above are meant to guide you and create a healthy work-life balance whilst working from home. In as much as working remotely brings a high level of flexibility, it is crucial to separate work from your personal life. If your workload is too much, communicate this to your employer. Note, finding this balance is not just a one-path process rather it is an ongoing one that requires, discipline and commitment. The reward of adhering to such is unrivaled. I wish you the best!!