3 Proven Tips for Enhancing Your Remote Workspace


Working from the comfort of your remote workspace. has become a new normal. The worldwide pandemic accelerated the remote work trend, with millions of employees shifting to home offices almost overnight. While remote work provides flexibility and work-life balance, it also comes with productivity challenges. A recent study found that over 50% of remote workers struggle to stay motivated and collaborate effectively. 

Remote work is here to stay, but how can we enhance our home workspaces to maximize productivity? This article will explore easy tips to transform your remote workspace and boost performance while working from home. Whether collaborating on Zoom meetings or churning out projects in isolation, a few simple changes can optimize your environment and mindset for success. Read on to learn key strategies to increase productivity as a remote employee.

Tip 1: Invest in Ergonomic Furniture 

When working remotely, creating an ergonomic workspace is important to avoid musculoskeletal injuries and discomfort. Investing in an adjustable desk and chair designed for prolonged sitting can make a huge difference in your comfort and productivity. Humanscale offers some of the best ergonomic furniture out there.

An ergonomic desk that can be raised or lowered allows you to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. This engages different muscle groups, promotes movement, and avoids static postures that can lead to pain. Look for a desk with height adjustments between 22-48 inches.

An ergonomic office chair provides proper lumbar support to maintain the natural curve of your spine. It should have adjustable features like seat height, backrest tilt, and armrests so you can customize the fit. Chairs with breathable mesh material also help reduce heat buildup. 

To complete your setup, use a separate keyboard tray that can be positioned at the ideal height for your shoulders, elbows, and wrists. An ergonomic keyboard with a split design allows your hands and arms to relax in their natural position. Similarly, an ergonomic mouse reduces strain on your wrist compared to a standard vertical mouse.

Investing in ergonomic furniture may seem expensive up front, but it pays off in the long run through increased comfort, fewer injuries, and higher productivity. The ability to properly adjust your workstation to fit your body is crucial when working from home for extended periods.

Tip 2: Designate a Dedicated Workspace

While working remotely may seem liberating at first, the lack of separation between “work” and “home” can make it challenging to stay focused. A post by Wishup discusses why designating a dedicated workspace within your home is critical for productivity. 

Here are some tips for creating a productive home office:

  • Remove distractions. Make sure your workspace is as distraction-free as possible. Face away from high-traffic areas, keep your desk clear of clutter, and silence your phone notifications.
  • Optimize lighting. Proper lighting is essential for comfortable and focused work. Position your desk near a window to utilize natural light. Avoid overhead lighting which can cause glare on computer screens. Consider investing in a desk lamp to illuminate your work surface. 
  • Create a comfortable space. Choose an ergonomic desk and chair suited for long work hours. Make sure you have enough room to get up, stretch, and move around periodically. Decorate your space with uplifting artwork and decor to keep you motivated throughout the day.  

Having a dedicated workspace signals to your brain that it’s time to work when you’re there. Even if you don’t have an extra room, look for ways to carve out a productive work zone. Your focus and productivity depend on it.

Tip 3: Leverage Collaboration Tools

With remote teams, collaboration doesn’t happen naturally as it does when people are co-located. You have to be more intentional about building in time for team collaboration. 

Leveraging digital tools designed for collaboration can enhance team communication, alignment, and productivity. Here are some of the key benefits of using collaboration tools:

Video Conferencing

  • Allows for face-to-face communication which builds trust and rapport  
  • Provides a shared visual space to view content together
  • Enables picking up on non-verbal cues not transmitted in chat/email
  • Creates a space for brainstorming sessions and whiteboarding 

Chat Apps

  • Enable quick, informal communication and information sharing
  • Great for quick questions and updates 
  • Searchable history allows people to catch up on what they missed
  • Integrations with other tools streamline workflow

Digital Whiteboards

  • Allow teams to co-create outlines, mind maps, and other artifacts in real-time
  • Visually map out goals, projects, and ideas together
  • Embed images/links for shared reference 
  • Export boards to share with the wider team

The right mix of video, chat, and digital whiteboards can make a remote team feel like they’re together in the same room. Investing in seamless collaboration ultimately leads to greater alignment, innovation, and productivity.

Enhance Your Mindset 

Working remotely requires more self-discipline and a shift in mindset from the typical office environment. Here are some tips to help enhance your mindset for better productivity when working from home:

  • Adopt a growth mindset – Having a growth mindset means believing you can improve through effort and perseverance. View challenges as opportunities to learn rather than seeing your abilities as fixed. Develop self-awareness and reflect on how to continuously improve.
  • Set boundaries – Without the physical separation between work and home, you need to be more intentional about setting boundaries. Determine work hours and stick to them. Let others know when you are unavailable. Turn off notifications outside work times. Set up a separate workspace to leave at the end of your workday. 
  • Take breaks – It’s easy to get sucked into work nonstop when your office is just footsteps away. But taking regular screen breaks, stretching, and moving around boosts blood flow and energy levels. Go outside or eat lunch away from your workspace. Build in buffer time between meetings. Short breaks will enhance your productivity over the long run.
  • Unplug after hours – Make time for non-work activities that recharge you, whether it’s exercise, socializing virtually, reading, or pursuing hobbies. Disconnect from work by logging off of email and collaboration platforms. Doing so allows you to fully recharge and avoid burnout.

Making a conscious effort to shift your mindset and habits will help you stay focused, energized, and productive when working remotely. Don’t hesitate to try different tactics until you find what works best for you.

Establish a Routine

Working from home allows for more flexibility but it’s important to establish a consistent routine. Having set hours and a regular schedule will help you stay productive. Consider setting a regular work schedule as you would in an office and stick to it as much as possible. 

Rituals and habits are an important part of an effective routine. Start and end your workday with a ritual, like making a cup of coffee, doing a short meditation, or getting changed out of pajamas. Rituals can act as mental triggers to get focused. 

It’s also helpful to block off chunks of time for focused work. Identify when you are most productive and block off 2-3 hours for your most important tasks. Silence notifications and avoid distractions during these blocks to fully concentrate. Use a calendar to schedule focus time and treat it as seriously as you would an important meeting.  

Having a solid routine with set hours, daily rituals, and protected focus time will keep you engaged and boost productivity when working remotely. It provides structure and mimics an office environment. Don’t underestimate the power of a consistent schedule to enhance your performance. Consider using the remote work schedule templates from Clockify.

Limit Distractions

When working remotely, it’s easy to get distracted by notifications, emails, social media, etc. Limiting distractions is crucial for staying focused and maximizing productivity.  

  • Disable notifications – Mute non-essential app notifications on your computer and mobile devices. Only allow notifications from direct messages and important work tools to come through.  
  • Close extra browser tabs – Having too many open browser tabs can be visually distracting and make it harder to focus. Close out any tabs not directly related to your current task.  
  • Avoid multitasking – Don’t try to respond to emails, messages, etc while in the middle of an important task. Set specific times to check notifications and batch-process them.  
  • Take breaks away from your desk – Periodically step away from your computer to give your mind a break. Even a quick walk around the house helps recharge your focus.  
  • Create a distraction-free environment – Remove personal distractions from your workspace. Put your phone in another room, close unnecessary programs and browser tabs, and declutter your desk area.

The key is removing anything that competes for your attention when you need to head down on important work. Limit distractions by optimizing your environment, tools, and schedule.

Prioritize Wellbeing

Working remotely provides more flexibility but also requires more intention around wellness. Be sure to prioritize daily movement, time in nature, social connections, proper sleep, and nutrition.  

Movement is essential when you’re stationary all day. Take regular breaks to stand, stretch, walk around, or do bodyweight exercises. Even short 5-10-minute movement breaks every hour can improve energy levels, relieve aches and pains, and boost focus.

Spend time outdoors if you can, even if just sitting on your porch or taking a quick stroll around the block. Exposure to daylight and nature is calming and refreshing. 

Don’t neglect social connections just because you aren’t seeing co-workers in person. Schedule video calls to catch up with colleagues, friends, and family. The social interactions will provide a welcome mental break.

Get on a consistent sleep schedule, limiting blue light exposure in the evenings. Proper rest is foundational. Without it, your cognitive performance and emotional regulation suffer.  

Fuel up on nourishing foods and stay hydrated. It takes discipline when the kitchen is a few steps away, but mindful snacking and meal planning will keep your energy balanced.

By integrating small well-being habits and virtual wellness activities into your routine, you’ll be able to maintain focus, avoid burnout, and maximize productivity.

Measure and Reflect

Setting clear goals and measuring your progress is key to productivity. With remote work, it can be tempting to fall into a routine without evaluating your effectiveness. Follow these tips:

  • Set S.M.A.R.T. goals. Establish Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals. Having defined objectives keeps you focused.
  • Track progress frequently. At least weekly, assess how you’re tracking against your goals. Celebrate wins along the way. 
  • Identify improvement areas. If certain goals are lagging, get to the root cause. Look for patterns on when your productivity drops.
  • Solicit feedback. Ask colleagues or managers for input on your work quality and habits. Listen openly to critique.
  • Review tools and tactics. Assess if your workflows, tools, or environment are optimal. Experiment to find better approaches.
  • Learn continuously. Read, take courses, or get coaching to build your skills. Sharpen abilities that boost productivity.

By regularly measuring and reflecting, you can gain insights to enhance your remote work setup. Reflecting also builds self-awareness to pivot approaches to be your best productive self.


Working remotely can provide flexibility and freedom, but it can also present productivity challenges if you don’t set up an optimal workspace. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create a remote office that enables you to stay focused, collaborate seamlessly, and perform at your best. 

The key is investing in proper ergonomic equipment, designating a dedicated workspace, and leveraging the right collaboration tools. With these fundamentals covered, you can then establish helpful routines, limit distractions, and make self-care a priority. 

Measuring your productivity and reflecting on what works allows you to continually optimize your remote workspace. The effort is well worth it. An enhanced home office setup pays dividends through boosted job satisfaction, performance, and work-life balance.

Go ahead and start implementing some of these tips today. Your future remote work self will thank you! And remember, creating an effective workspace is an evolving process full of small experiments and improvements.


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